Holiday Decorations for Your Home on a Budget

With the holidays coming up soon, you’re probably surrounded by beautiful and charming holiday decorations every time you leave your home. Maybe you’re wishing that your home could be holiday ready, but you just don’t have a big budget for holiday decorations. The good news: You don’t need a big budget for holiday decorations! Here are some top holiday decor ideas that are also budget friendly.
Try a Christmas Tree Variant
You may think that Christmas trees have gotten pretty costly these days — and you’re right! But you don’t have to purchase a costly real or artificial tree to get the holiday spirit going. Consider a fun tree variant. Any tall potted plant or bush can serve as a tree if you just add an inexpensive string of lights and a few ornaments.
Don’t have the potted plant on hand? Make your own tree with a simple cone-shaped styrofoam mold. You can get these molds at any craft store quite inexpensively, and decorating can be as simple as a coat of paint. You can attach pin-on decorations or even paint the decor on if you’re feeling extra crafty.
Cozy Up With Candles
One of the best ways to evoke the holiday season is cozy decorations, and candles are super cozy feeling. Choose candles in red, green, white, gold, and silver to make it feel extra festive in your home. The candles don’t have to be costly — even the dollar stores have a great candle selection these days. It’s even better if you can get scented candles with aromas like pine, cranberry, and pumpkin to scatter around the home.
Make a Charming Candy Cane Vase
A candy cane vase is a great place to display a few sprigs of greenery indoors. Start with any empty can. Remove any labels, and then affix candy canes to the can with glue (a glue gun works best and fastest.) If you’re using straight candy canes, simply put them side-by-side. If you’re using traditional curved candy canes, leave the “hook” part facing outwards as you glue them side-by-side. Allow to dry for a couple of hours, and then tie a red or green ribbon around the middle of the new vase. This is fun, festive, and easy for nearly anyone to afford.
Pinecones to Bring the Outside In
Pinecones — something you can purchase cheaply or even find outside for free — are a great holiday decoration for anyone on a budget. You can dress pinecones up to make them especially appropriate for the holiday season, too. Consider spraying a thin layer of golden colored paint onto the pinecones for a festive look, or even artificial snow on them for a “fresh from the outdoors” look. You can even add glitter for extra sparkle and fun. Scatter the pinecones around the home in bowls, or just as accents for areas like a fireplace mantle. This really brings the outdoors in while showing your guests that you’re holiday ready.
Enjoy your holiday season in your holiday-ready home!
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